Marianne Venkov a styl

What is Marianne Venkov a styl?
A magazine for all those who long for a life of nature and peace, who are aware of the meaning of traditional values.
What is Marianne Venkov a styl?
Although it catches your eye at first glance with its beautiful large-format photographs and calm graphic design, it mainly brings practical information about life: about living, gardening, keeping pets, handicrafts and more - from natural cosmetics to traditional recipes to stylish building materials. Also important are examples of the maintenance of traditional customs and festivals from all areas of our country.
Who reads Marianne Venkov a styl?
Active women and men who either desire to move to the country and change their lifestyle, or who already live in the country and know its values. Also, active women and men who dream of making this lifestyle change. Active readers are also mothers with young children who will find plenty of inspiration for having fun together.
What makes Marianne Venkov a styl unique?
Positive mood and optimism, large format, emphasis on beautiful photographs on paper, reminiscent of book publications, unique content, which has been missing in the Czech Republic so far, and knowledgeable - all practical information is consulted by the editors with experts in specific fields.
Periodicity: monthly
On the market from: 2012
Circulation: 17 600
Target group: women 25-55, ABC1
Source: ABC ČR, 07/2022-06/2023, average per issue
Contact information for sales dpt. ZDE – TEAM FOOD, HOME AND ICT